Patriot Defense Expands Headquarters in Orlando

Published on September 5, 2017 8:39 pm

Patriot Defense, a defense and intelligence services company, announced this week the acquisition of Virginia based Silverback 7 marking the beginning of a 10-year strategy to grow its Maitland headquarters. The company will add 13 high-wage jobs in the Orlando region and employ hundreds of independent contractors.

“We founded Patriot Defense in 2006 as a defense and intelligence services company dedicated to supporting those who defend America,” said Todd M. Wilcox, Executive Chairman of Patriot Defense. “Since that time, we have not only survived but thrived despite the great recession and the budget sequestration in the defense and aerospace sector.”

Patriot Defense discussed the opportunity to relocate the headquarters to Virginia but the company’s leadership determined Orlando’s robust defense cluster combined with its quality of life, moderate cost to do business, and the forward-thinking business community far outweighed the competition, solidifying the company’s decision to grow and invest in the Maitland headquarters.

“Patriot Defense’s decision to expand its Maitland headquarters is a direct reflection of the strength of Orlando’s defense industry cluster and pro-business community,” said Tim Giuliani, president, and CEO of the Orlando Economic Partnership. “The company’s decision to stay in our region will send a strong message to other companies about Orlando’s assets and opportunities.”

Patriot Defense’s highly-specialized training and operational support to the U.S. government, U.S. military, and U.S. law enforcement communities are possible by working with the most accomplished and experienced officers from the Central Intelligence Agency, U.S. Special Operations Command, the Department of Justice, and the Department of State. “The acquisition of Silverback 7 will expand our ability to support vital national security programs,” said Wilcox. “And there is no better business-friendly environment to do that in than right here in Central Florida.”

The company is located at 1900 Summit Tower Boulevard.



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